The Wünderhund Journey: Patience, Progress, and Promise

Dear Wünderhund Community,

As we navigate through the intricate process of bringing Wünderhund to life, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude for your patience and unwavering support. It's been four years since we first shared our vision of creating unparalleled 'smart parks' for our canine companions, and we know the wait has been long.

Complex Challenges: A Journey of Learning and Growth

The journey has been more complex and capital-intensive than any of us anticipated. The technical challenges, coupled with our commitment to delivering a first-of-its-kind experience, have required us to navigate a labyrinth of obstacles. These challenges, albeit tough, are solvable, and we're tackling them head-on, albeit at the expense of time.

Economic Landscape: Moving Towards Favorable Winds

On the economic front, things are looking up, and we're strategically positioning ourselves to leverage this positive shift. Securing the necessary resources to bring Wünderhund to life has been an odyssey in itself, especially in the face of global economic fluctuations.

To Our Early Supporters: Your Patience is Our Backbone

For those who have been eagerly waiting, especially our early membership purchasers, we understand your frustration. The unforeseen global events of 2020 significantly derailed our timeline and foundational plans. Your patience during these tumultuous times has been nothing short of remarkable. If you don’t want to wait any longer, or if your circumstances have changed, you can request a refund here.

Silence as Progress: Busy Behind the Scenes

We know that the lack of news can be disheartening, but in our case, 'no news' is a sign of progress. Our current focus is not on marketing or building an online presence beyond our essential website updates. This strategy will pivot as we near the completion of the essential elements for Wünderhund's launch.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Wünderhund

While we still can't provide a precise launch window, the fog is beginning to lift, and the path forward is becoming clearer. Our dedication to learning from past mistakes and continuously improving is unwavering.

In closing, we want to reiterate our heartfelt thanks for your support. Your belief in Wünderhund fuels our commitment to overcoming each hurdle and delivering the extraordinary experience we've envisioned together.

Stay tuned for more updates as we inch closer to making Wünderhund a reality.

With gratitude,

- The Wünderhund Team


An Update from Team Wünderhund